Monday 17 June 2013

Removing bevel on radio button in Adobe Acrobat Forms

If you convert a PDF document into an editable PDF form using Adobe Acrobat, it creates a small solid border around the radio buttons.

However sometimes you have to add your own, in by default they come with a bevelled edge.

How do you remove this? At first it looks like you can't. However you can.

Choose a border colour and a fill colour. At this point the Line Style becomes enabled and is set to "Inset". Change this to solid, and then set the border colour and fill colour back to "No colour". Bingo!

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Installing the Android Emulator

  1. Download the Android SDK and copy it into a folder, e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Android SDK
  2. Create a folder for your SDK home, e.g. C:\Android.
  3. Set the system environment variable ANDROID_SDK_HOME=C:\Android
  4. Run "SDK Manager.exe" and download any additional targets as required.
  5. Create a new Android Virtual Device (AVD). It will save to  C:\Android\.android\avd. 
  6. Open a new command prompt as administrator. 
  7. Run C:\Program Files (x86)\Android SDK\sdk\tools\emulator -avd <My AVD Name> -http-proxy <server>:<port> -dns-server <DNS Server> 
  8. Start the device.
  9. Go to settings->Wireless & networks->mobile networks->Access Point Names. Press menu button. an option menu will appear. 
  10. From the option menu select New APN. 
  11. Click on Name. provide name to apn say My APN. 
  12. Click on APN. Enter www. 
  13. Click on Proxy. enter your proxy server IP. you can get it from Internet Explorer's internet options menu.
  14. Click on Port. enter port number in my case it was 8080. you can get it from internet explorers internet options menu. 
  15. Click on User-name. provide user-name in format domain\user-name. generally it is your systems login. 
  16. Click on password. provide your systems password. 
  17. press menu button again. an option menu will appear. 
  18. Press save this and try to open your browser.

Tuesday 4 June 2013

"Always Running" WCF Service

A WCF service hosted in IIS is activated whenever a message is received. It processes the message, and then the service implementation is available for garbage collection. If the application pool is idle for more than the timeout period (with a default of 20 minutes), then the worker processes serving the pool are terminated.

Some services may need to perform some pre-work before they begin accepting requests (like loading in some static data). They may want to activate the application pool before any requests are made to ensure there is no delay when the first request comes in. This can be done with the AlwaysRunning settings on the application pool.

 But what about hosting a Service Bus application in IIS? A Service Bus client must create a connection to the server and keep it open for the duration of the lifetime of the application. The request-based activation does not work here.

This article describes how the application pool is automatically started, how an AutoStart Provider is used to invoke startup code to create a connection to the service bus, and how the service is restarted in the event of an application pool stopping.

Death to Windows Services - Long Live AppFabric